GIS Consultants In Hyderabad Find Geode GNS2 Gnss Receiver A Value For Money Device

Designing Solutions is a land surveying company which deals with infrastructure, telecom & GIS projects, Web Development & Networking Solutions. As they were providing networking solutions, and had an intention to contribute to the Digital India initiatives.
The Challenge
- Overcoming chain system by digitalizing the device giving cm level accuracy
- Reduce work force, time consumption and manual collection of data
- Gathering the GNSS data and co-ordinates even in presence of obstacles with better efficiency
- To make easy telecommunication.

The Solution
Previously, data collection was based on chain system which was time consuming, requires a lot of man power and manual collection was done which led to a lot of limitations like point inaccuracies, error in data collection because of obstacles like transformers, electric poles, trees etc.
Our client Designing Solutions, had firsthand experience with all these restrictions, to overcome those hurdles we have proposed a device, Geode GNS2 which has the capability of overcoming all the difficulties by making area calculation, demarcation, point-to-point distance and point stake out very easy. It allows easy access to Google earth maps and has strong satellite connectivity, giving you the option to export the data immediately through multiple channels including watsapp, mail etc.
It is light weight, easily portable and can be operated with a single button such that a lay man can also make good use of it. The sub meter accuracy in the Geode allows collecting precision GNSS data up to 30cm and possesses an all-day battery life for extended working hours.
The receiver has IP68 rating which protects over any level of dust and water. Now you get accuracy, reliability, and simplicity along with open operating system flexibility. It also works with a wide range of operating systems including Windows, Android and IOS
In the view of building a Digital India initiative, they were able to successfully carry out their telecommunication network with the help of Juniper’s GEODE, as it gave the accuracy which was below30 cm. The device became successful as it reduced the manpower and needless to say that the work got completed with far better efficiency resulting increased satisfaction at the customer end.